Saturday, September 20, 2008

S'pore bans China milk imports


Singapore's Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) has banned the import and sale of all milk and dairy products from China with immediate effect after tests found melamine contamination in two brands of China-made milk products - Yili Brand Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection, and the Dutch Lady Brand of strawberry flavoured milk.

As a precautionary measure, AVA has also suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China with immediate effect.

Consumers have been advised not to consume milk and milk products from China, and local food manufacturers have also been instructed to cease the use of milk and milk products from China as ingredients until the completion of investigations.

In China, 6,244 children have become ill, with four dead and 158 suffering acute kidney failure after consuming milk powder tainted with melamine, a banned chemical used in making plastics. However, AVA has said that there is no import of infant formula from China into Singapore and that infant formulas sold in Singapore are safe for consumption.

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